support bindhu art regiment.

By Supporting Bindhu art regiment you can inspire change in society through art and its impact. Building connections with cultural practitioners, creators and multidisciplinary artists, film makers who inspire change and create positivity around us. We also serve as a platform to promote and showcase works of artists whose work has been overshadowed.

Our mission is to support, connect and celebrate the work of artists, film makers, writers, cultural practitioners and creators. We stand firm with those who create and are convinced in the transformative power of art, culture and creativity. We like to collaborate with artists who convey advanced new ideas for positive impact and develop new perspectives. We are grounded to support and provide necessary workshops in landscape where infrastructure is very minimal. We work to create inclusive opportunities for artists living and working beyond kathmandu (capital city ) in rural landscapes of the country, providing them necessary connection and resources to showcase their work.

We work with artists, film makers, cultural practitioners, writers and creators of rural landscapes to help them tell their stories to the world and support sustainability. We partner and collaborate with organisations, individuals and companies to bring overshadowed stories from different landscapes of country and support artists freedom of expression - We believe art literary media is very centralised in kathmandu - we want this powerful medium of transformation spread at different landscapes of country .